Week One Project Update

Ganesh Acharya
Oct 29, 2020

What my project is:

Creating a website which will help to increase the number of patients being seen at the clinic as well as to promote the business through Instagram and Facebook ads.

What the final deliverables will be:

Create a well-designed website that can function for the doctors and patients to use.

Hard skills I’ll be learning:

Creating and designing a website using Wix

Soft skills I’ll be learning:

  • Problem Solving
  • Strong communication skills.
  • Good motivational skills.
  • Strong negotiation skills.
  • Exceptional organisational skills.
  • Awareness of internal and external customer needs.

What technical tools I’ll be using:

  • Wix
  • Canva
  • Instagram Ads

Week-by-week Outline

Week 1: Gain a fundamental understanding of how to create and design a website.

Week 2: Begin creating my website.

Week 3: Create ads, flyers, and landing page to promote the business.

Week 4: Document my work by writing blog posts and making final touches to my landing page.



Ganesh Acharya

Ganesh Acharya is a Praxis particpant who loves to share his ideas and stories through life experiences that has brought great change to his life.